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Signs of the Spirit ❤️


Infinite Healing Hearts with Love from Above ❤️

The day began like any other. Quickly escalating in my mind were a million thoughts…Welcome to my world. 

Duke, my half dog (I share him with my friend Jay) was due to have surgery to be neutered. It’s a pretty routine surgery these days. Besides, we felt it would calm his two year old hyper puppy self down a bit. Duke is a Australian shepherd/German shepherd cross. A working dog, always on the go. We are responsible pet owners. For all of us, Having our pets spayed and neutered is the right thing to do. There are numerous unwanted pets out there in the world being euthanized everyday in shelters due to irresponsible pet owners. We did not want to contribute to those numbers. So we booked the appointment for Duke.

Even knowing how routine this surgery was. Something in my being was deeply concerned. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was though. I pulled Angel cards. I prayed for guidance. I even took my pendulum out to seek higher knowledge from my guides to get a definite answer. (Pendulums are used for yes, no or maybe answers) I wanted to know without a doubt that we were doing the right thing having Duke neutered. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. I was stumped as to what it could be. The guidance in the cards was confusing to say the least. There were many mixed messages coming through. Definitely no clarity like I would’ve hoped. My pendulum yielded a big swirling “maybe.” To me that just was not good enough. I wanted I clear concise “yes” or “no.” Finally through prayer I was able to gain clarity to a greater extent. I would continue to be shown the ’44’s” over the course of the next few days. For those of you who follow me or know me personally you understand this. For those of you who are new to my blog let me explain. I see the #44 as a Divine sign whenever Spirit hears my prayers. This particular sign tells me that my prayer requests are taken to source whether you believe it to be God, the Universe or whichever. Seeing this particular number, 44 is to allow me to know that healing will occur for the person or animal’s highest good whatever that may be. I saw so many 44’s over the course of that day and the night before that I felt we were on the correct path to move forward fearlessly. However that nagging feeling would not leave me as to why I was not feeling positive about this surgery 100%. Continue reading Signs of the Spirit ❤️

Guided by Love ❤️




A few days ago one of my clients came into the salon for her haircut. She was glowing, no she was actually beaming! Her heart’s center could be seen radiating out into the salon even before she entered the building. I was stunned and taken back for a moment because I’m not used to seeing her this way. She always has a pretty smile when she enters the salon, however her heart has felt heavy for some time now. This just goes to show that you never actually know what someone is going though on the inside. Remember to  always be kind.

(I will call my client Marina for the intent of this story.) On this particular day Marina was radiant. Dressed in a vibrant cobalt blue blouse that enhanced the pretty cool blue of her eyes. She radiated God’s Divine Love. I was thrilled to see her in this new light.

We all tumble into the shadows from time to time. That is part of life. Accepting life’s ups with the downs. We cannot be happy all the time. (Although I for one would like it that way, except that we would never appreciate the good days because the balance would not be present. Like the yin and the yang, life is all about finding that celebrated middle ground.☺️ ) Offering assistance to someone who needs it can change your life as well as theirs. Have you ever tried it? Going out of your way to give support to someone who’s having a bad day or someone who needs to be heard, or maybe someone who could really just use a kind-hearted hug. Try it sometime. See if it doesn’t change your perspective on things.

As she sat in my beauty chair I asked her how she was doing? I said “You look fantastic! What’s going on?” I also told her to wear more of that cobalt blue color she had on, she looked wonderful in it! Her face lit up when I said this. She was beaming even brighter now! Marina began to share something that occurred with me during her previous appointment a few months prior. I listened intently. Marina said “Do you remember the last time I was in? I was feeling down and before I left the salon. You gifted me with that beautiful rose quartz crystal stone?” I said yes I remembered. It was quite  vivid in my memory because I felt called by Spirit to do so. I do not do this for everyone. I allow Spirit to guide me with things of this nature. Marina explained how that crystal helped her a great deal. She said she held it in her hand and near her heart. It had imparted healing and wisdom to her. I felt that Spirit urged me to share the crystal with her as her heart chakra was somewhat blocked (this is when energy in or around the heart’s center gets stagnant and isn’t flowing like it should be). Marina explained that not only did the rose quartz crystal help to heal her. She informed me that this one considerate action that I had done for her had a giant ripple effect! The kindness that Spirit assisted me in bestowing to my friend and dear client had rippled out into the ethers like a gentle wave making it’s way across the multiverse. Love has the power to do this like nothing else can! Try it sometime, you’ll see.❤️

Marina shared how her sister too was assisted by this single random act of kindness. Her sister is going through dialysis and Marina wanted to do something positive for her as well. She wanted to pay it forward if you will. So she searched my website looking to see if I sold these crystals. Which as of right now I do not. Eventually Marina was able to find the perfect crystal chakra set for her sister online. After ordering the crystals and sending them off to aid her sister in healing, she waited to hear what her sister thought of the gift. A few days later Marina was told by her sister what an awesome surprise it was to open the package and see the healing crystals inside! Her sister knew exactly what they were for as Marina explained to me that her sister was a former hippie and adored crystals and crystal healing. This gift was right up her alley. From what I understand Marina says her sister is doing better. I cannot say exactly whether it was the crystals or the genuine Love that was sent in that package being used to assist Marina’s sister. What I can say is that when you give Love you get it back 10 fold. My Mom has always taught me this. Thanks Mom! Marina was so excited to communicate to me what my actions had done for not only herself but for others around her. Her outlook on life was now much brighter. There was a joy in her heart and a light, happy spring in her step. I Love days like this! Makes my job not feel like work at all.

I was sharing this story with my mom as we did our usual prayer-walk on the trail and as soon as I finished telling her the whole story I was stopped dead in my tracks by the above heart in the photo. It was laid out clearly in front of us on the trail by the universe for all the world to see! A perfect twig shaped heart. I even said to my Mom, “No way!” I am always humbled when Spirit sends me signs as validation for the work we do. The thing is we probably walked past this twig heart a thousand times before but we weren’t meant to see it until now.

“God lights the path that we choose to walk along. If we open our eyes and our open our hearts we can see all there is to see.”

I am extremely grateful for Marina’s kindness in gifting her story to me. I share this small gesture of Love and how it rippled out into the vast universal flow of energy and then returned like a boomerang right back to me, in hope that you may see that anything is possible when you believe and give Love unconditionally. ❤️

With Peace and Spirit’s Love from Above to all,                                                                                         Lisa Potts                                                                                                                                                                  The Hairdresser-Medium®


*This fall I will be receiving a shipment of many different healing crystals to offer for online sales as well as in person at the Healing House where I offer healing sessions and readings.

A quick year

Life is the school, Love is the lesson.
Life is the school, Love is the lesson.

Well, here it goes! My first official blog post. Hope you all enjoy!

This week marks the anniversary date when I learned about a dear friend of mine transgressing into the Spirit world. I miss his beautiful smile, his kindness and his heart-felt hello. Although I have the great pleasure of speaking with him on a frequent basis, being a Spirit Medium. It’s not exactly the same as when he was here on Earth. He sometimes whispers to me in my thoughts. Sharing some of life’s beautiful lessons. Assisting me with wisdom and guidance from beyond when I open up as a conscious channel for healing. From the realm where the Angels reside, his knowledge sparks deep emotion in myself as well as the clients I serve. My dear friend is now a benevolent guide in the Heaven-world. His journey has been a miraculous one. With many twists and turns along the way.

Thanks for all the ‘†’ (cross) signs. I will hold you with me in my heart today and everyday knowing ‘It’s just another day in paradise.’                 Miss you Mike F. xoxo

Continue reading A quick year

#WUVIP #Wellness #WorldChanger

My effort to contribute to a Better World has been recognized! I have been selected as a Top Resource at Directory of Resources to Expand Your Well-Being. I am excited and Friday 1/23/2015 the SITE GOES LIVE! Check it out! You are sure to find wellness resources you may have never known were out there.❤

Happy Surfing through the #WellnessUniverse

Lisa The Hairdresser-Medium®

Wellness Universe Member